Thursday, April 18, 2024

Compliance Team

The PHA Compliance Team is comprised of the Director of Public Safety, PHA Site managers and othe assigned PHA staff. The focus is to initiate and receive from the PHA Housing Police, residents and the general public, reports of allegations of criminal activity, and public housing assistance abuses/fraud. Additional information reviewed includes, yet not limited to, police reports, e-mails and anonymous tip hotline information.

The Compliance Team discusses and reviews overall security accomplishments, needed programmatic adjustments and future security initiatives that need to be implemented.

This information is subsequently disseminated for assessment and future appropriate/required action as described by HUD polices and the resident's lease. The Housing Police Liaison identifies PHA residents and/or their guest(s) who are involved in crime-related activity. The Director of Public Safety, along with the Housing Police Liaison, will establish a database of known offenders of various crimes and monitor their actions for repeat violation of the law. Subsequently, copies of police reports and arrest affdavits are forwarded to PHA management.
